Seven Year Cycle. Repeat.

Almost fourteen years ago I was in the basement watching COPS reruns with my now ex-husband. I wasn't very happy (mind you, my nature is irritable restless and discontented). I was mulling over a possible opportunity to push through to the next dimension in my career. My textile aspirations at the time were humble, daily offerings of stitches knat, and I had only begun to crave the large scale of colour, movement and pattern satisfaction that quilting offered. So I weighed the prospect of staying in the basement, with the now ex-husband and toodling away at my craft, or going big at work. I chose the little red sports car, big budgets, men and machines, and staying out all night. For a very long time my new chosen life was a lot of fun. Along the way, I divorced the husband, found mid-life love for eastern textiles and belly-dancing after I thought I'd never love again, and continued to nurture my passion for yarn and fabric. In that time, I found the like-minded in knitting cafes like THE PURPLE PURL, and online communities like Ravelry. After a seventy hour week, knitting with my friends was my social life. I stopped debating the guilt of stash acquistion, craft or art, and indulged every textile whim I had. Five hundred knitting books, three rooms of wool and fabric, seven bins of belly-dance costuming bling, two new sewing machines and one serger, two hundred and fifty rugs later...I sold the miata, quit the big job, and live with a big bullmastiff boy puppy named Edgar and date my ex-husband. Honey, I'm home!