Sunday, November 12, 2006

November. Not good. Could you tell? Between dark cold rainy mornings that make me feel guilty for sinking into my armchair three hours after waking still in nightie, work inertia and crying about Rememberance Day and my Mom, and spending sobby Saturday mornings reading books about bad daughters, I was hard-pressed to be an ambassador of joy on a blog. Years ago I got sober at the end of a November, washed out by those same cold rainy mornings and the lonely evenings that preceded them. %$#%$#%@.... walk to the light... After Naditu ended, we of the beginner twos, diehards, greater than the sum of our parts, beacons of light, burbling flows of joy (etc, etc), still came together on Saturday mornings to continue our meditations on infinity and peace and love, all while undulating and mayesculating our hips. Samira is a wonderful teacher, enthusiastic and articulate, and her meditations and readings can often reach right through my soft belly to my shiny spine. Now to the blingbling, raison d'etre, inner glitter girl motivation... we're dancing on December 15th at the studio Christmas party. It isn't a Naditu recital, but we get to jangle and slip with bright colours and happy music to a room of ball-room dancers. Reason to live through November. Reason for happiness#1.
Reason for happiness #2 - a new rug.

Reason for happiness#3 (actually this is #1)